Friday, June 25, 2010

Reporting to you live from United States of Amerifunk

So, for those of you who've been living in a cave, I've recently (like, since the Olympics, there is some logic here...) aquired a somewhat disturbingly avid interest in professional figure skating, specifically Johnny Weir and his utterly ridiculous and adorable reality show. The 2 hour Olympic season finale of Be Good Johnny Weir is on Sunday, and promises to be equal parts heartbreaking (spoiler: HE WAS ROBBED) and lolarious as usual.

I. Can't. Wait.

Also, Viacheslav Romanov is apparently commentating during the Olympics. She is probably one of my favorite parts of the show, and I know that the main theme of this episode is what is Johnny doing now that's he's kinda old-ish for a figure skater and hasn't medalled, and all I can think is VIACHESLAV COMMENTATING AT SOCHI. Seriously. Needs to happen.

If you are unfamiliar with the exploits of Viacheslav:

In short, this show is awesome and so is Princess J, and I highly recommend you watch it. There's a marathon of Season 1 on Sundance Channel tomorrow, and then the finale is Sunday at 9:00 EST.

До свидания, and see you there.

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